Salon Rouge

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6 13th St S
Minneapolis, MN, 55403
United States

(612) 374-2201

Salon Rouge is an intimate, European style boutique salon in the heart of the Harmon District, just on the edge of Downtown Minneapolis. Salon Rouge offers haircutting, styling, deep conditioning, special occasion hairdressing, braiding, keratin smoothing and the latest color techniques. Expert face waxing and Makeup applications complete the offerings.


A salon experience like none other. . .

Salon Rouge is an intimate, European-style boutique salon in the heart of the Harmon District, just on the edge of Downtown Minneapolis. 

Seen in the pages of American Salon, Lucky, Minneapolis-St.Paul Magazine, Modern Salon and MN Monthly, Salon Rouge has received many accolades for their thoughtful, but simple approach to creating beautiful hair.



Whether you’re looking to refresh your everyday look or reinvent your style for a special occasion, we will work with you to make your hair dreams a reality.


Our expertise is rooted in the classics, but we are always interested in learning the latest techniques and ways to improve what we do.


Loved the scent of something used during your service? Looking to plus up your daily routine? We only carry products that we use and stand behind.

Going to Salon Rouge is like taking an excursion to a Parisian boutique—not that I have ever been to Paris, but the owners of the salon certainly have. Richard Staab, the owner/stylist, is a collector who has captured Paris and put it right into his boutique salon.
— Hina K., Los Angeles